The types of drugs to increase potency in men

Erectile dysfunction is a problem faced by many men, regardless of age. Modern urologists confirm that the disease is considered of age, but in recent years the average age of affected men much younger. But if the time to detect the cause and to take means to increase potency, it is gentle you can avoid trouble.

potency in men

Total impotence: why?

This phenomenon is quite reasonable explanation. There are few men who care about their health at that moment in the sexual life. But sooner or later the disease may not spare neither young nor older people. Why is this happening? Everything is quite simple, and doctors determined a few main reasons:

  • the abuse of alcohol;
  • violation of diet;
  • a sedentary lifestyle;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • promiscuous sexual relations.

Among men who lead an active lifestyle, prefer to maintain a relationship with a partner, this disease is rare. Hardly an adult of the male population are not familiar with it, but the majority believes that the problem will bypass, and not want to change anything. But sooner or later, the wrong mode will make itself felt. Then the question arises: how to deal with the problem of what to do to increase potency.

How to understand what is exactly is erectile dysfunction?

Impotence or erectile dysfunction is the inability to maintain erectile function of the penis for carrying out normal sexual intercourse. Even young people who have recently started their sexual life at least once has experienced similar discomfort. But with the young it happens most often on a psychological level. This:

  • fear of the first intercourse;
  • fatigue;
  • depression;
  • stress;
  • the physical fatigue.

If such situations are repeated, it is possible to assume that in the male body appeared obvious pathology that requires medical care. It can be:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • disease;
  • pathology of the valve channels of the penis;
  • varicose veins;
  • hypertension;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • BPH;
  • prostatitis;
  • a history of stroke, heart attack;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • the abuse of alcohol;
  • medication.

This is not the whole list of diseases that cause erectile dysfunction. Modern pharmacology offers a lot of drugs to enhance potency. But to hold taking them yourself is dangerous. Most of them have a number of contraindications, so the issue should be discussed with your doctor. That is the timely medical assistance to identify the cause of dysfunction and to determine the most rational method of treatment.

Medical treatment of impotence


The sexual activity of men is almost the main issue in his life. Therefore, any failures result in a state of panic, which is not acceptable. Potency in men can be restored, knowing the cause of the imbalance. To determine the factor that pulled this pathology, can only be a urologist or other specialist.

Important! Timely pharmacology has in its Arsenal is not one remedy for potency. But self-administration is not recommended, so as not to aggravate the situation.

On the basis of a thorough diagnostic examination, the doctor will identify the cause of the disease and to determine what medication can be taken and which should be deleted. The principle of action of most drugs is based on improving the circulation of blood that can be dangerous for people with cardiovascular disease. Therefore, it is better to avoid self-diagnosis and self-treatment of male potency. Drug that increases the potency, has a number of side effects, such drugs can not be assigned to every weight class.

This medications that contains sildenafil, which is dangerous for people with hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, and for patients who have heart valve. The action of this medication is temporary, and it can be applied directly before intercourse to enhance erection. But to fix the problem it will not help.

Important! The instructions that are packaged with the medicine intended exclusively for medical personnel. Use them yourself is not recommended!

Homeopathic medicines for the treatment of potency

Unfortunately, this topic remains fragile for most men. They refuse to go to the doctor, not sharing the problem with the second half, yet this fact will not be obvious. Support from women is half of successful treatment. It depends on whether men to seek the cause of the disease and its treatment professionally or begin an independent course, using drugs to increase potency.It is worth Recalling once again that all modern drugs for potency give only a temporary effect. You must look for the cause in order to fix it. The sooner this happens the better it will be for men's health.Many families say that we should eliminate the annoying emotional factors, to establish diet, avoid alcohol, and the problem disappears by itself. But if erectile dysfunction happens regularly, it is going to be about the serious and often long-term treatment. It is better to seek medical help.Best medicines that help to increase potency, the so — called based inhibitors of the enzyme phosphodiesterase 5-th type. If their intake is not contraindicated by a physician to take them directly during sexual intercourse.

It's the drugs that increase the potency, restoring libido, sustained erection, timely ejaculation. They do not affect men's reproductive ability. Reception of such preparations is recommended to stop if you wish to have children.If homeopathic medicines are not interested or for some reason contraindicated, the attending physician offers for men treatment with herbal infusions or charges. There are herbs which are natural aphrodisiacs used to treat male impotence in all ages. Such folk medicine to increase potency in men recipes passed down generations and today recommended traditional medicine.

Folk medicine to help male impotence

folk remedies for the treatment

As in ancient times, and today, the treatment of male impotence is done with the help of traditional medicine. In the early stages some plants can be used as the primary tool. If the disease is neglected, the plant is better to take drugs in the complex treatment or as a preventive means. Plants that help to restore potency, very much. This is a variety of "aphrodisiac" plants from exotic countries. No less rich in such funds vegetation abouts. Any urologist will confirm that erectile dysfunction is an accompanying factor of another disease. To detect it and treat can traditional medicine. Among the vast plant world to identify the most effective plants for the treatment and prevention of disease. This:

  • ginseng;
  • calamus root;
  • nettle;
  • calendula;
  • flowers of cornflower;
  • thyme;
  • honey and honey products;
  • lovage;
  • hops;
  • mint;
  • garlic;
  • parsley and dill.

A list of herbs that can be continued indefinitely, and all this is correct, effective. Because most of them have a calming effect. And the urologists say that erectile dysfunction is in most cases the disruption of the nervous system. If you normalize your own nerves, your libido will recover quickly. But the influence of some components, which are represented in the list, you need to know.


Amazing root which resembles the shape of the male body. It recommends that even Tibetan medicine as the most powerful tool in the treatment of sexual dysfunction. To do this you must prepare an infusion of the root or buy a ready-made means at any pharmacy. The tincture should be taken three teaspoons, pre-diluting it with water. It's better to do box meals or before bedtime.Many men who have used this tool, note that potency is restored on the third day after the start of treatment. The result of a long. But the thing that calms the nervous system, fears disappear.

Prepare a tincture at home is easy. It is necessary to grind the dry root. Three tablespoons means pour a bottle of quality vodka and infuse for three days in a dark place. Strain before taking not necessarily. Urologists noted that the tool is effective only in case of regular intake. One serving accepted overnight quick effect will not give.

Garlic tincture

Many men reject the tool because of its pungent smell. But not all know how life-giving power of the plant. It is desirable that garlic in the diet of men was daily present. You can eat little for dinner. And that's enough as a prophylactic. But the treatment will need a slightly different way. For the preparation of remedies you need to chop about a kilogram of pre-peeled garlic. All this is put in three-liter jar, pour the brim cooled boiled water. Then the capacity is removed in a dark place and infuse for about one month. All content must daily shake or stir with a wooden spoon.After a month the solution can be used one teaspoon daily, before bedtime. The treatment is considered complete when all of the liquid from the cans will be drunk. Many men say that after the first week seen results, but stop the treatment and not need to follow it to the end, until the Bank is empty.

dishes with lovage

Lovage for potency

A very old folk remedy that is used to improve men's health. The plants are pre-dried and milled. It can be added to almost all dishes, except milk and milk products. Milk kills all the beneficial properties of this plant. Amount, the dosage — are not fundamental.

The plant has a characteristic odor. Therefore, in order not to spoil the taste of the main course, you can add directly into the bowl with a dish half or less teaspoon. The man gradually gets used to the characteristic taste, and the plants can be used simply as a spice. In the first days of admission significantly increases libido, duration of sexual intercourse increases, disappears premature ejaculation. This tool can be used as a temporary, in order to enhance desire, as a preventive and as a main for the treatment of impotence.

Nettle and thyme

Another folk remedy that helps to enhance libido. These plants can be used individually, and you can make a collection of these two components.

Important! Thyme, added to tea, cause aversion to alcohol, which is the worst enemy of libido.

The thyme really used by traditional practitioners for the treatment of alcoholism. Disgust does not happen on the first day. But after a week of receiving the desire to drink disappears. But thyme, in collaboration with the nettles purify the blood, improve blood flow, relieve inflammation in the pelvic organs. This tool, which is effective for the treatment of male and female diseases of the genitourinary system.This herbal brewed as a tea and used. To improve the taste and also to enhance the therapeutic qualities of this tea, you can add mint and honey. Is a tool that quickly restore potency, increase the treatment to calm the nervous system, normalizes sleep.

Nutrition in the recovery period

In the treatment of sexual dysfunction it is equally important to pay attention to diet. Necessarily, this will require any doctor to exclude:

  • the use of alcoholic beverages;
  • Smoking;
  • fatty, fried foods;
  • spicy seasonings.
prophylactic impotence

To diversify food fruits and vegetables, to introduce foods rich in fiber.Try to avoid situations that provoke stress and nervous breakdowns. It is desirable to increase the hours of stay outdoors, especially in the evening hours before bedtime. Quite effective preventive measure is swimming in the pool.

It's practically the only sport that helps to restore functions of the reproductive system among men and a real way of effective help. Be healthy!